Огурцы на шпалере

Photography Cucumbers

Как сделать шпалеру для огурцов: мастерим опоры из подручных средствThe cucumbers, like any plants, trying to be clouded solar rays, encroaching their thin stales on the path of the support, seek to rise. In wildlife, these supports are around growing trees. When cucumbers are grown as cultural plants to facilitate their care and to obtain a rich harvest, they are made up of spalers. How to make a cucumber scapular, with a minimum of effort and cost, while creating a reliable and durable design, we'll consider the details.

The cucumber cultivation on the scapalere is much more productive than it was.Простая шпалера из металлических прутьев This is due to the fact that, when a culture is vertically emplaced, the soil controversy can be removed from last year ' s " default " . And even when there's a diseased controversy with water on the bottom leaves of the plant, they don't spread any further, fast dry with drops of roses.

The construction of the supports often uses already prepared vertical surfaces, constructed with a barbed wire at the walls, poles and fences.

Spaler can be used for growing cucumbers as open groundand the boys. Such an installation has a mass of indisputable advantages, the main among which are:

  1. Saving the land area.Сбор урожая с плетущихся лиан A hustler equipped with pistols under the cucumbers takes a minimum of space, but it can accommodate twice as many plants.
  2. Reducing the risk of cultural diseases. By deleting the contact of the stem and the leaves of the leans with the land, it is easier to prevent the loss of the culture of peronosporos and masculine.
  3. Accelerate the vegetation process. The well-protected crops do not show the daily temperature disruption. Through vertical cultivation, the plant receives more light and heat, which has a positive impact on its development.
  4. Increased yields. The experience of gardeners using papalers in cucumber cultivation shows that up to 80 kilograms of healthy greens can be collected from an area of only 5 square metres. Vegetables hanging from floats are not deformed and have uniformly saturated colours.
  5. Facilitating cultural care. The wrist, the liana is evenly distributed on the back. This greatly facilitates the treatment of pest stalks and leaves of plants, as well as feeding and irrigation.
  6. Clean harvest. Through the vertical positioning of the culture, the spectacles do not apply to the wet soil, thus eliminating their patchwork.
Шпалера из прутьев с ПВХ сеткой Шпалера вдоль стенок теплицы Деревянная шпалера в виде шатра Шпалера-шатер , оформленная пеньковым шпагатом
See also:
  • santorini photographer santorini-personalphotographer.com
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