Growing Cabbage
More than 500 tons of watermelons are planned to be collected in Belarus this year, and the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food, Vladimir Grakun, has now informed journalists.
"This year we took 40 ha under the bachelor party, even though we planned more. Nevertheless, we plan to collect more than 500 tons of watermelons, and the first watermelons have gone, explained to Vladimir Grakun.
In recent years, together with agricultural organizations vegetable production Farmers are active. "In general, we now have 16, 5,000 hectares of vegetable crops, of which only 8,000 ha are from farms. We cultivate cabbage, carrots, beetles, onions, green peas, baccalas, cucumbers. And there are seeds of our village that farmers take more hunting, and he emphasized.
The Deputy Minister also said that gardens were actively being laid in Belarus. "We're updating 500 ha of gardens each year. Our apples are demanding in Belarus and Russia. The stubfons we're completely shutting down by our apples and we've got an export resource. Weladimir Gracoun noted.
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